Gear Reviews, Survival, Bushcraft

Walmart Survival Gear That Doesn’t Suck





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No matter how experienced or seasoned you are, your budget might limit your gear needs. Luckily, we live in a time with a huge number of options. From brick and mortar to online retails, there are so many different places to resupply.

One of my favorite places to get gear is Walmart. There is a few reasons why. One is you can find a Walmart in almost any town in America. From big cities to smaller rural towns, Walmart is prevalent. This makes it ideal when you need to replenish some items while out camping. The second reason I like to use Walmart is because of the value. There are many items that are of decent quality that don’t break the bank. Some people will debate this and state that Walmart gear is cheap junk. But I have opposite experience. Not all items are created equal, but there are some real gems if you know what you are looking for.

Backpacks. There are several backpacks to choose from in the camping section of Walmart. They range from basic to more elaborate hiking packs. Most of the ones I have handled are from Outdoor Products, which seems to be a house brand. They may not be of the same quality as 5.11 or Maxpedition backpack but they get the job done. Currently there is a small molle (military webbing) backpack with water bottle pockets that is around $10! It features a comfortable harness and some organizational pockets. A great choice for kids or someone just starting out.

Knives. This always gets to be a touchy subject for some. I my self have many knives in the collection from mid-priced production knives to customs. But once in awhile you will find a few knives that are super budget that aren’t that bad. They make for great back-ups or can be left in your bug out bag in your vehicle. And of course, many Walmart’s still have a knife counter that carry brand names like Gerber, Buck and SOG.

Survival Basics. There are staple items that all survival or bug out bags should have. Fire making is number one and Walmart has many options from an inexpensive ferro rod (orange plastic case) and bic lighters. You can also find matches and even fatwood in the garden/grilling section. Just spend some time and be creative.

First Aid. For basic supplies you can’t beat the pharmacy section to find band aids, ace wrap, and gauze pads. They even carry premade kits that don’t break the bank.
Hopefully this info helped you see that there options at the humble Walmart. Be sure to check out the video for a more detailed look and my top picks.

Video can be viewed here on my YouTube channel:

About the author

2 responses to “Walmart Survival Gear That Doesn’t Suck”

  1. Tim SAT Avatar
    Tim SAT

    Good info and thanks for keeping entry price points in mind. Good channel and I like your easy way of conveying experiences.

    1. Wendell Avatar

      Thanks so much for watching!

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