Gear Reviews, Survival, Bushcraft

Author: Wendell A

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  • Camping vs. Bugging Out

    The question of what to pack in your bug out bag gets asked constantly on many of the prepping groups I belong to. There is a large part of the population that has no idea where to start with this task. To them it’s overwhelming and confusing.  I am here to tell you that the…

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  • The Modular Survival System

    Being a Prepared Citizen means not only working on skills and training when possible but it also means having a kit that is ready to go for a wide variety of scenarios. The future is very unpredictable, and we have no idea what kind of disaster or conflict is going to occur here in the…

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  • Urban Survival Kit

    Civil unrest and rioting in urban environments can be a frightening and dangerous situation. While most protests and demonstrations are peaceful, some can escalate into violence and chaos. It’s essential to be prepared and know how to protect yourself and your loved ones in such situations. This article will provide valuable tips and guidelines for…

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  • The Art of Fire-Making: Essential Survival Skills

    In the wilderness, where modern conveniences are scarce, mastering the art of fire-making is paramount to survival. Fire is not only a source of warmth, but it also provides light, protection from predators, and a means to cook food and purify water. Developing a deep understanding of various fire-making techniques can make the difference between…

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  • Bugging Out Essentials: Preparing for Survival When It Matters Most

    “Bugging out” is a term commonly used to describe the act of leaving one’s current location or residence quickly and unexpectedly, often in response to a perceived threat or emergency situation. The term is often associated with preparedness and survival scenarios. When people “bug out,” they typically abandon their regular living arrangements and head to…

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  • The Silent Threat: Unveiling the Dangers of Hypothermia

    Introduction: As the winter months approach, it is essential to shed light on a potentially life-threatening condition that often goes unnoticed: hypothermia. While most of us associate hypothermia with extreme cold and frigid environments, it is crucial to understand that this condition can affect anyone, regardless of the temperature outside. In this article, we delve…

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  • Exploring the Great Outdoors: The Joys and Benefits of Wild Camping in National Forests

    As urban life becomes increasingly fast-paced and technology-driven, many individuals seek solace and rejuvenation in nature. One of the most rewarding ways to experience the beauty and tranquility of the great outdoors is through wild camping in national forests. Stepping away from the conveniences of modern life and immersing oneself in the natural wonders of…

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  • Prepping for Disaster: Essential Steps to Safeguard Your Future

    Introduction In an uncertain world, being prepared for unforeseen disasters is no longer an option but a necessity. From natural calamities to global pandemics, the importance of prepping for disasters cannot be overstated. By taking proactive steps to safeguard yourself and your loved ones, you can mitigate the impact of emergencies and increase your chances…

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  • Survival Notes – Just the Basics

    What are the 5 priorities of survival?When thinking about what you should be worrying about in a survival situation, remember these 5 priorities.Listed in order of importance:• FIRST AID• SHELTER• FIRE• SIGNAL FOR HELP• WATERDON’T WORRY ABOUT FOOD! PMA – Positive Mental Attitude is one of the most important items you have in your survival…

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  • Stock Up OTC Meds for Your First Aid Kit

    First aid kits are very important part of preparing for emergencies. But one over looked element is over the counter (OTC) medications. They can help alleviate symptoms and make your patient more comfortable. Here is a list of some of the top OTC meds to shop for at your pharmacy. ACETAMINOPHENThese are the medicines that…

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